Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Drita, My Homegirl by Jenny Lombard

Drita emigrates to New York City from Kosovo. During a social studies project, she meets Maxie, a native New Yorker who can’t seem to stay quiet in school. What can two girls from such different worlds possibly have in common? More than you think.


  1. Drita My Homegirl is a great book for yong raeders. It shows how two very diffrent people can become beat friends forever.CB,gr.6,WW

  2. I think Drita My Homegirl is a great book. It is about friendship. Drita,a girl who moved from another country, meets Maxy, a girl who's popular. Maxy and Drita become friends. You should read the book to find out what happens next.

    MA, gr. 4, WW

  3. This girls come from two different worlds but also find to have alike of things in common.Don't just don't look at a person and assume that you don't like get to know them, first get to know them that's lesson that everybody should know of all ages.Read the book to see what they go through to become friends.

  4. I love this book (Drita My Homegirl) because it tells what people feel like when they move from one country to another.I think this book shows what it feels like to be the new kid and how hard it is to make new friends.I dislike that the book does not have what the girls would do on the
    weekend or after school,but other than that I loved Drita My Homegirl!!!!!!
    AD SPG GR.5

  5. I realy liked Drita My Homegirl. I thought it was very interesting and I couldn't stop reading it . The book was never boring and it was a great
    tale of friendship. Plus it was funny when Maxie called Lisa Mrs. Thing
    .I liked this book, I hope you'll read it.
    ES Gr 5 SPG

  6. I really enjoyed this book! This book teaches you alot about friendship. It's amazing how two girls from two different countries can be friends. When one of them can barely speak english. This book shows alot about what it's like to be the new kid and try and make friends. It's really hard to try and fit in, at a new school, in a new country. I would highly recommend this book!

  7. I really liked this story because it shows that people with very different backgrounds can be the best of friends. Simple things like a project where you work together can create a strong friendship. Drita and Maxie build a strong friendship from being paired together for a science project. This reminds me of last year when a Chinese girl named Susan came to school. She didn't speak English at first but learned the language. Susan became close friends with some of my classmates. They had totally different backgrounds just like Drita and Maxie but still were friends.AL Gr.5 SPG

  8. its weard because they become friends at the end

  9. I thought this book was great.My favorite part was when Drita and Maxie met because Maxie didnt wont Drita to sit at her desk,I think thats why people should learn how to get along and it doesnt matter what skin color you have.

    JC GR.5 SPG

  10. I thought this was a great book because it tells people attract.Drita moved from anther coutry and could not eat because her mom did not want her to get sick and when Maxie said "she is the kind of white people that is so pale u can see right though her that was my favorite part.

    TC Gr.5 SPG

  11. I think this book is nice because they're two different girls that beomes friends. My favorite part was whan maxie's grandma singed ''oh,it's stormy Monday,I'm feeling oh so sad,Lord,it's stormy Monday,I'm feeling oh so sad,Blues are raining down on me,and I;m feelin' oh so mad...'',i can read it all day. MV Gr.4

  12. I enjoyed the book but I think there were a couple of words that were not appropriate for young readers. I did like the book though.

  13. Thanks for running this incredible book club! Our family's full review for "Drita, My Homegirl" is linked to my name above.

  14. I liked this book because it showed that two girls from different places could be friends. The book is interesting because it has two points of view, one from each girl.
    Gr 5 SHG

  15. this book is so cool i have read it 5 times

  16. I love this book I have read it like over and over again. I have never loved a book this much! <3 Drita is 10 and is from Kosova,Albania.Maxie is 10 and is from NYC. (:
