Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix

What would you do if your parents dropped you off at an unknown aunt’s house in the middle of the night, in an unknown town, where everyone you met looked at you as if they just saw a ghost? This is Bethany’s living nightmare, and it takes all her courage to slowly unravel the truth.


  1. Double Identity is a truly amazing book. When Bethany pulled her swim cap off her head and stood up to Dalton, I was really surprised. Bethany didn't seem very brave throughout the story, so it was surprising when she stood up to a criminal that just got out of jail. I would highly recommend this book. AA, Gr. 5, WW

  2. Double Identity is a truly amazing book! I love it because it is creative and interesting. I love the part where Bethany get's her own tree that resembled her by beating the odds to survive. If you love science and mystery you would love this book. I would HIGHLY recommend this book. JN, Gr.5, WW

  3. I knew I would love this book from just reading the first chapter. The author included so much suspense and detail that you never want to put down the book. At least that's what I felt. I would recommend this book to any person who loves mysteries. I am sure you would love it.
    EC, gr.6, WW

  4. Double Identity was an awesome book. Everytime you thought you had an answer to a question, there was something else to be solved. Trust me I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen after Bethaney's father dropped her off at some strangers house and then started talking about this strange girl named Elizabeth. All I can say is if you like suspense you would love Double Identity! JR, Gr.6, WW

  5. I thought this book was definately one of Margret's best books, as I have read many b her. I think she is the master of suspense, and mystery, and this book truly shows it. I was actully a little scared when Bethany was dropped off in the middle of the night, which is very rare for me. There is so many great things to say, it's nearly impossible to sum it all up, so just READ THE BOOK!
    RR Grade6 WW

  6. this book is the best!
    it should be the winner.
    you should read it because it is very suspenceful.
    i loved the part where her aunt keeps everything from her this book should win!
    r g.5 ww

  7. this book was great. it was very suspenceful. i like the story because the parents kept the truth of her real life from her for her whole life.
    rb 5 ww

  8. This book is AMAZING!!!!!!! I never heard about the author, Margaret Peterson Haddix until I saw the book on the bookshelf over the summer. I have read almost all of her books ever since. Hands Down, this is a GREAT book. There are few books in comparison to the first class quality of this book. It is of such a great kind as Harry Potter. I never thought this book would be so fantastic. I am an adventure and mystery book reader and this book definitely fed my appetite. I was engrossed with this book as soon as Bethany's father dropped Bethany off at a mysterious aunt's house. The rest of the book is very suspenseful and I would be spoiling the story if I talked any more about. I highly recommend this book for all children and adults. You cannot drop the book until you finish it. This book is definitely Nutmeg worthy. I have to give it to this book.

    RB, Gr.6, WWS

  9. Ever since my fourth grade teacher read this to our class, I have loved Margaret Peterson Haddix's book. It is full of suspense and I thought I had judjed this book correctly, but I hadn't. I thought it would be something with no suspense and not much problem to fix. Starting when Bethany gets dropped off at her unknown aunts house, to the point where she meets the man who her parents were trying to hide from and finds out about her sister, I never wanted my fourth grade teacher to put the book down and say that that was enugh for that day.It is a great story and everyone in our fourth grade class loved it.

  10. I love this book . I like the part were betheny went to a aunts house that she didnt know. this book has alot of deatails that explained how the story is about bethany.this book is really amazing.another part i liked is when bethanys parenents keept a secret all her life too bethany.and i also liked when she stood up to a crimanal and be brave i love this book it is truly amazing. I would HIGHLY recommend this book ac,ww,grade 5

  11. This book was amazing and mysterious. I liked the way it built up suspense. It was a little confusing at first but then it got clearer. I would really recommend it and think it should win.
    Students Gr 6 SHG

  12. This book was the best! I liked not knowing who Bethany was being dropped off to by her parents. The best part was when Bethany finds out that she is a clone of her sister and that her sister had died on her birthday. I loved having to figure out what would happen next after each chapter. This book should definitely win out of the others!
    EC,Grade 5,WW

  13. This book was out of this world. It was great. Its mysterious details and great suspense really made this book interesting. But to tell the truth the first part was a little confusing but it was awesome at the end. I recommend this book because if you like books that have mysterious things in them, then this book is a book for you.Overall this book was amazing and interesting!!!!!!!!!!

  14. What I liked in the book is how different things started to happen to her and it made the book more interesting. I liked how the book had good suspense.
    EK Grade 6 SHG

  15. I absolutely loved the book "Double Identity!"It was so thrilling the way Margaret Peterson Haddix slowly unfolded Bethany's [and Elizabeth's]
    past. I thought the book was so creative,mind blowing,
    suspensful,wonderful,and impossible all at the same time.I couldn't
    put it down,espicially when Aunt Myrlie is about to spill the past.I
    finished the book in a few days!I would definitely recommend this book
    and I will read more of Margaret Peterson Haddix's books in the future!!!

    LB Gr. 5 SPG

  16. Double Identity was really a great book. It was really well written. It was also really suspenseful and mysterious. When Bethany found out she was a clone of her dead sister I was enthralled by it.
    Student Gr. 6 BP

  17. Bethany and I have an connection. I say this because when her father was being over protective by checking her seat-belt twice. This is why me and Bethany are alike. I also like this book because BEthany finds out that she has a long lost family member. JDD GR5 SPG

  18. To me Double Identity was an awesome suspenseful book with amazing description. My favorite part of the book was when Van Dyne was hunting down Bethany. This was my favorite part because of the fast paced excitement and it made me keep turning pages. I really liked how the author used sensory based details and made sure that it would keep young readers engaged. I didn't like how you had to read the epilog to find out how the book actually ended. I would recommend this Nutmeg Book to anyone who likes to read suspenseful books with an exciting endings.
    JH Gr.5 SPG

  19. To me this was an awesome book filled with sadness,caring, and adventure. The whole book was an adventure because Bethany is shocked when she finds her and her parents cell phones out of service and her mother, Hillary, tells her in a drowsy state, about her being a clone of Elizabeth who died in an automobile accident twenty-years earlier. Sadness was woven into the story as the author unfolds the reasons behind Hillary's constant crying fits and finally being left alone with an aunt,Myrlie,she never knew existed. Bethany was my favorite character because she is brave when she has to stay in Sanderfield, Illinois until her mother becomes more emotionally stable. Also when she has to go to school and lead a normal life with all of the adults remembering Elizabeth
    DB GR5 SPG

  20. I loved this book because it grabbed my attention and I could not put the book down. I recommend this book to anyone who likes exciting stories and mysteries. It is not really that creepy, but you should not read it at night if you have trouble getting to sleep. All in all, it was an excellent book.
