Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Archer's Quest by Linda Sue Park

Facing another evening of dreary homework, Kevin Kim is startled by an unusual intruder. Standing before him is Koh Chu-Mong, an ancient Korean archer from the 1st century B.C. Kevin’s quest is to return this brave stranger to his own time within 24 hours or history will be changed forever.


  1. I felt this book was quite good, it was very easy for me to relate to Kevin, even though he is korean. I thought that the author was also very skillfull with her descripitions, and I could just picture the book as one large movie playing in my head. I also found the book to be humorous as well, which maybe why I enjoyed it so much. I would absolutely reccomend this book to anyone, young or old.
    RR Grade 6 WW

  2. I am in the middle of this book but so far it is a great book. It has lots of suspense and some humor. I like the part where archie comes in and when Kvin says "Dad is going to kill me!", and Archie thinks he actually means he's going to kill him and says " Where is this person, he will not be allowed to lay one finger on you" So Kevin tries not to say things from his time or else he'll have to explain everything. This book is great for any body. I agree with RR that the author is very skillful with the the descriptions.
    MS,gr.6, WW

  3. I finished the book and it was very very suspenseful. I think this book had good descriptions and there was some humor also. I like when it is time for Chu-mong to leave and he goes on the metal tiger but then something was missing. Then Kevin thought of all the things Chu-mong told him and then got Chu-mong home. It was very suspenseful when Chu-mong was about to shoot Mr.Lee but Kevin told him to remember of what he told Kevin. This is a great story of friendsship and even if somebody is different they can teach you things you never knew. This book has a great meaning to it. I would give this book five stars.

  4. This was a great book. It was suspenseful and it fit me very well. It may just be because I am Korean, but this was quite entertaining and a very good book to read. I never wanted to let go of this book. It makes you want to read more of it and when it ended, I read it again for anything I might have missed the first time around. I personally think that Linda Sue Park should write a sequal. This book made me think about my culture and if I should spend some more time studying and researching it. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who believes. It is a great mystery to read.

  5. In "Archers Quest'" my favorite part was when Archer was about to go home. I say this because there was a lot of suspense. He was about to shoot Mr. Lee. Then Kevin moves in front of Mr. Lee. I also enjoyed when Archer went into the tigers' cage. He even petted a tiger! I didn't really like when Archer said that Kevin couldn't ask questions. That's how you learn things. I learned that there are cycles in the year you're born. Kevin and Archer were both born in a fire cycle. I wonder if Kevin will become a good archer. I wonder this because he got his own bow and arrows and he learned so much from Archer. This book reminded me of the movie called "Back to the Future." It does because the main character in it time travels just like Archer.
    JD Gr5 SPG

  6. This story is all about this teenager girl is trying to beat the champion boy in horse back riding and plus the guy bet about a hundred people and then the girl beat them. And plus my favorite part was archer's quest beat the guy in horse back riding and the next part in this book is my favorite is that she won a trophy because she beat the most hardest man in all times and everyone was charing Archer's chest.
    TG Gr5 SPG

  7. I love the book Archer's quest. Linda Sue Park did a great job. This novel was very suspenseful. Like when, Chu-Mong gets on the metal tiger, but something was missing. Chu- Mong was a very interesting character in the book. One example of this is in the begining when he breaks Kevin's window. This story teaches you the true meaning of friendship.I also learned that alot of us should start embracing our cultures. They're part of what makes us unique. This book is magnificent. The mystery is very unique. I would highly recommend this book.

  8. I really liked the book, but my favorite part was when Archer tried to ride the real tiger. It was kind of funny and weird. I didn't like how the whole thing happened in one afternoon though. It seemed kind of like an excuse to shorten the book because if she had it in more than one day Kevin would have a lot of explaining. it might be better if the time was more realistic. I did learn things about the Chinese years which I thought was cool. Overall it was a really good book.

